Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Word On The Street Is...

Anyone a fan of Joe Gibbs out there?... No?? Go wash your mouth out with soap!! Joe Gibbs is a legend; especially here in the DMV area, and he always will be. I have exciting news for Joe Gibbs loyals... he's going to be at The McLean Bible Church TONIGHT speaking for FREE. If you've ever driven down Route 7 around the Tysons area then you know the church I'm talking about. It's the big one. Seriously, that place is huge. The size of their parking garages (yes, garages plural) rival the ones at the mall. And our mall is nothing to scoff at. The above link takes you straight to their homepage where you'll read everything you need to know about it but I'll give you a short breakdown here.

From the McLean Bible Website: Former Redskins Coach and NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs will share his testimony of how he discovered the true “Game Plan For Life” in the message of Jesus Christ.
He'll be speaking live at the Tysons Campus (yes, this church is so big they have "Campuses") and it will also broadcast via satellite to all MBC Campuses on July 28 (tonight) at 7:30 pm. He will sign copies of his new book “Game Plan For Life” at the Tysons Campus from 6:15 – 7:15 pm and pre-signed books will be available for purchase at each campus location.

And what would a Joe Gibbs event be without tailgating? Show up early with $5 cash and enjoy family friendly (I'm guessing that means 'sans alcohol'.... I mean, it is a church people) tailgating courtesy of... wait for it... Red Hot and Blue BBQ. YUM. Carpooling is highly encouraged and since the event is totally open to the public, MBC is asking everyone planning on attending to please register in advance (do it now) so they know how many people to expect. Registration links are here (the same link as before).

I'm just guessing, but (pardon my French) I'd say to expect a clusterduck of people. Clusterduck isn't really a word, not even in french, but it would just feel wrong to curse while writing about a church event. Despite what others say, I do have a conscience. I also used to be a church-goin gal and plan to one day soon get back into the Sunday morning service routine. True story.

But wait... that's not all. No no no. When Joe Gibbs does anything he does it big or he goes home. In true Joe fashion (before 2007 anyways) he's doin it big. Also today, Joe's going to
be online starting at 2:15 p.m. ET taking your questions and comments about his years as Redskins head coach, NASCAR (vroom vroom) and his new book, the previously mentioned Game Plan For Life. Have any questions or comments for Coach Gibbs? (He'll always be Coach Gibbs to me) You can submit them before or during the online discussion. Here's the link to submit questions or comments courtesy of The Washington Post.

Pretty exciting day in Washington for Coach Gibbs fans eh? I wonder how much he's going to talk about NASCAR...

Moving on. So yesterday I heard (key word heard) through a couple of usually very reliable sources that Michael Vick's been prowling around Northern Virginia; specifically the Ashburn/Loudoun County area and then apparently spotted later on in the day in Lansdowne. "But why?! What does it all mean?!" I had the same reaction at first. Then I realized it means absolutely nothing. Vick's been reinstated; now he just needs a team. Obviously he's shopping around for one. So far, everything I've read (and trust me, I've been reading a lot and talking to a lot of people) is saying 'no Vick in Redskins future'. Repeat: No Vick in Redskins Future. I hope this decision sticks and it has nothing to do with Vick personally or even his QB abilities; it has everything to do with Jason Campbell. JC's been through enough this off-season wouldn't you say? Toying with the idea of signing Vick would just be another slap in the face and seriously our QB deserves more respect than that. A lot more respect.

In other Michael Vick news, he's got former Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy in his corner. Dungy frequently (sometimes, occasionally, a couple times... I dunno) visited Vick while he was in jail and has been keeping up with him with visits and phone calls since his release. Dungy wholeheartedly believes that the former Falcon is on the right track, is focused on turning his life around and is ready re-start his NFL career. Dungy not only supports Vick's reinstatement, he's also become a mentor and advisor for Vick while he goes through this transitional stage in his life.

Even though I'm not a fan of the Colts, I always liked Coach Dungy... even though I totally expected him to have a massive heart attack or stroke after every missed Colts catch and every call from the refs that he didn't agree with. Didn't you?! He got into the games more than any coach I've ever watched. He was so passionate. I was sad to see him go and I'm thrilled that he's helping out Michael Vick. Hurray for positive influences! Check out Dungy's personal blog/diary here for more info!

That's it for now. Obviously that isn't the only word on the street at the moment but I gotta get this posted so y'all can log in for the Joe Gibbs Q & A at 2:15. I wouldn't want you to miss it. Aloha and Mahalo for now!


Cacawet said...

Pis, t'as tu eue du fun ?

Frankie said...

I don't actually know if it was fun... I didn't go. Traffic around that area is just awful and I had other plans. Is that bad? By the way... I dig the french (J'aime le français) but, do you speak english? (mais, parlez-vous anglais?)

Anonymous said...

dang, nice french....i know spanish...that is what we are learning in school. GA is FULL of mexicans...i mean...hispanics! :D
u see chris's blog on him responding to fans comments?? lol, so funny...

Cacawet said...

For sure :)
So you understand french, thats good.

Anonymous said...


YES...WE WON'T GET Vick!!! WOOT!!!
GOOO Jason Campbell

Anonymous said...


Ole5anddimer said...

Keep up the good work about my beloved Redskins! Found your blog through Redskins Rule blog.